Category Archives: News

Diagnosing Patterns: Blood Deficiency

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In Traditional Chinese Medicine, we diagnose based on patterns presented in a patient. Disease, illness, and sickness are caused by patterns. In this series, we will be looking at patterns of deficiency one can find in the body. Stay tuned for interesting facts and foods that help to build, nourish, and tonify certain deficiencies that we often see in TCM when treating patients. … Read the rest!

Welcome Eden Choi!

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We have a new team member here at Whitney Green Acupuncture. Welcome Eden Choi to the team. Eden has written a short bio to help introduce herself.

I aspire to be a doctor of Oriental Medicine! I was previously on track to go to M.D. school. However, after a study abroad to Kunming, China for a look into traditional health practices, I fell in love with their holistic approach towards medicine.… Read the rest!