Diagnosing Patterns: Blood Deficiency

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In Traditional Chinese Medicine, we diagnose based on patterns presented in a patient. Disease, illness, and sickness are caused by patterns. In this series, we will be looking at patterns of deficiency one can find in the body. Stay tuned for interesting facts and foods that help to build, nourish, and tonify certain deficiencies that we often see in TCM when treating patients. 

Blood Deficiency 

In TCM, Blood has both a nourishing and moistening function in the body. When an individual has a Blood deficiency, it can sometimes present itself as dull white sallow complexion, dizziness, poor memory, numbness/tingling, blurred vision, insomnia, pale lips, and dry itchy skin. 

In women, scanty periods or amenorrhea can be common.

Others with Blood deficiency can have a tendency towards depression and/or anxiety. 

Remember, deficiencies can present themselves differently depending on the person.

Foods to Build the Blood

Luckily there are many foods that can help to build and nourish the Blood. Incorporating these foods into the diet can help with some of these symptoms and keep the Blood healthy and nourished. Some nourishing foods include:

  • Grains: barley, corn, oats, rice, wheat, bran
  • Fruit: Apple, apricot, avocado, date, fig, grape, longan, mulberry
  • Vegetables: Beets, alfalfa sprout, artichoke, button mushroom, cabbage, celery, dandelion leaf, dark leafy greens, kelp, shiitake mushroom, spinach, watercress, wheatgrass
  • Beans: Aduki, black soya, kidney
  • Nuts/Seeds: Almonds, black sesame
  • Fish: Mussel, octopus, oyster, sardine, tuna
  • Dairy: Chicken egg
  • Meat: All red meat especially bone marrow and liver (beef, pork, sheep)
  • Herbs/Spices: Nettle, parsley
  • Oils/Condiments: molasses
  • Beverages: soy milk
  • Supplements: algae, Dang Gui, pollen
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Eat as a whole or enjoy sliced. You can put it into a summer salad or eat them with a bit of almond butter on the side!

A great way to incorporate some of these foods is by snacking on apples, apricots, grapes, and almonds. Also, season your foods with fresh parsley and drink nettle tea. Adding soy milk to beverages or warm cereals is an easy change, and cooking with dark leafy greens and red meat is encouraged.

In general, red meat and a diet that includes animal meat will be very beneficial for people with Blood deficiency because that is the best way to nourish and replenish our blood. This is especially important in women as they have their menses once a month and lose blood during that time. 

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Summer time is a great time to pull out the grill and have a barbecue. Make sure to include some dark leafy greens!


Everyone is UNIQUE. Before self-diagnosing, meet with your licensed practitioner to make sure your body is being cared for as a whole and is getting the care it needs to be healthy and well!