Author Archives: Eden Choi

All You Need to Know About How Our Clinic Handles COVID-19

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Who’s ready for 2020 to take a break? Dealing with a pandemic is unpredictable. With new information always flooding in, our clinic is constantly adapting and finding more efficient ways to keep our patients, staff, and community safe! 

In light of the recent rise in cases, here are our updated clinic protocols along with tips on how to stay healthy as the weather changes and flu season picks up.… Read the rest!

Acupuncture and Fertility are a Great Combination!

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Did you know that Traditional Chinese Medicine provides support for women and men struggling with infertility? Acupuncture helps fertility by addressing problems that interfere with self-regulating functions in the body. If your hormones are out of balance, or your body is under stress, TCM and Acupuncture can help your body relax and become baby central!… Read the rest!