Changing of the Seasons

Changing of the seasons

A time to rest and digest!

In Chinese Medicine, encompassing the autumn equinox is associated with the Earth element and the stomach/spleen organs, two of the primary digestive organs of the body. That’s right, the spleen is a digestive organ in Chinese medicine.

It serves to transform and transport the food and drink in the body into energy and usable matter and it plays a key role in our immune system (like the biomedical spleen function), the condition of our digestion, the strength and tone of our muscles or the fleshy substance of our body and our general energy as well.… Read the rest!

Nourishing Fall Recipes

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It’s time for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), nourishing Fall recipes! 

The Fall equinox is around the corner and Starbucks has already brought back the pumpkin spice latte. You might have noticed the shift in the seasons already as our bodies usually sense the change in nature before our minds do. Plants and crops have slowed their growing phase and are starting to draw inward and ripen instead.… Read the rest!