COVID-19: Helpful Tips for Staying Healthy

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Currently, countries in East Asia, particularly China and Korea, are suffering from outbreaks of COVID-19, otherwise known as the CoronaVirus. While the virus is not a large threat here in the United States, it’s a good idea to take preventative measures to prevent sickness, and to boost your immune system. The following are a few tips to staying happy and healthy!

Wash Your Hands

The best thing for preventing any spread of disease is to wash your hands with soap and warm water frequently. Not just a quick rinse, but a thorough cleaning in between fingers, under your nail tips, and a bit up your arms as well! Washing after coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose, and before or after eating will help keep you healthy during your day to day life. 

Clean and Disinfect

On any day, things that are touched frequently will likely carry a number of germs and bacteria. Taking time to disinfect and clean things like your phone, countertops, doorknobs, and car steering wheels is a great way to prevent the spread of germs! 

Recognize Symptoms

Knowing what the symptoms of COVID-19 are will help you keep yourself and others safe! If you are experiencing cough, fever,or shortness of breath, then contact your primary care doctor immediately and go to the emergency department at your local hospital. Use your sick day or cancel that coffee meeting, and you’ll be doing yourself and others a favor. If you see these symptoms in others, avoid close contact and no sharing of food or drinks. 

Our office policy asks that if you have had a fever within the last 24 hours, or if you’re experiencing severe coughing, vomiting, or diarrhea, please do not come to the clinic in order to prevent the spread of the flu or viruses. 

Following these tips will help prevent the spread of not only COVID-19, but also the common cold, the flu, and other sickness and disease. If you’d like more information on the subject, go and visit the Center for Disease Control’s website at to learn more about it.