Author Archives: Whitney Green

Summer: Protect Yourself from the Sun

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The sun’s harmful rays can increase our risk of developing skin cancer.

Taking precautions before enjoying the sunshine is the best way we can help prevent skin cancer in the future. Wearing hats and staying covered with clothing, sunglasses, and sunscreen are our best defenses against the sun. This Summer, make sure you’re prepared by doing the following:

Baby Isaiah is ready for the sun!… Read the rest!

Boosting Your Immune System

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A closer look at the ST36 acupuncture point

‘Tis the season where weather is constantly changing, and as different colds and flus make their way across town, it’s time to take measures to boost our immune systems!

A great acupuncture point for overall health is ST36 or Stomach 36. Arguably one of the most important points, ST36’s main function is to strengthen the spleen and stomach to make Qi and blood to resolve Damp. … Read the rest!