Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pinnacle Wellness Center: A Professional Milestone and Personal Triumph

PCW logo

We’re starting a new chapter in the story Whitney Green Acupuncture and Pinnacle Chiropractic, forming the Pinnacle Wellness Center.  This move is more than a business decision; it represents the realization of our shared dream for a comprehensive wellness hub.

As married wellness practitioners, we have dedicated our careers toward helping patients attain their wellness goals while maintaining separate practices.… Read the rest!

Tips for Self Massage

Self Massage Tools

When you don’t have time for a massage appointment, here are some tips you can do at home!

Self massage are techniques that you can do yourself to get rid of muscle tightness and tension throughout your body.

These techniques can be performed with your fingers, hands, and elbows. Others techniques may require simple items such as a ball (massage, golf, lacrosse, or tennis), or a foam roller.… Read the rest!