Author Archives: Melissa Ballew

Tips for Self Massage

Self Massage Tools

When you don’t have time for a massage appointment, here are some tips you can do at home!

Self massage are techniques that you can do yourself to get rid of muscle tightness and tension throughout your body.

These techniques can be performed with your fingers, hands, and elbows. Others techniques may require simple items such as a ball (massage, golf, lacrosse, or tennis), or a foam roller.… Read the rest!

Insurance, Acupuncture, and a New Year

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Did you know that insurance plans may cover acupuncture? Many patients do not realize that their insurance benefits may cover acupuncture services. So check if you have benefits with us. If you have them, use them! Or you might lose them!

How Can I Check for Acupuncture Benefits?

Insurance can seem complicated but we do our best to help you navigate through the process.… Read the rest!

Massage and Relaxation

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There are many advantages to receiving a Massage! The benefits of massage therapy include relief of muscle tension, stress reduction, anxiety and depression relief, promotion of better sleep and emotional health. After a massage session, you should feel an overall relaxation throughout your entire body.  

Whole body relaxation… Swedish Massage

The most common style of massage is Swedish. It encompasses long, gliding, and kneading strokes with a light to medium pressure depending on the client’s preference. Swedish… Read the rest!

Six Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

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This holiday season, relax! You deserve it and it takes less time than you think. Here are some suggestions from our Licensed Massage Therapist Melissa.

Acupuncture Treatments

I have personally used Acupuncture to help reduce my stress and anxiety. Acupuncture treatments vary depending on your symptoms. In conjunction with Acupuncture, Chinese herbs can be used to manage stress levels.… Read the rest!