Welcome Laura!

Laura Goff LAc

Please help us welcome our newest Acupuncturist to Whitney Green Acupuncture!

While she’s new to us, Laura is in her 15th year of practicing acupuncture. She’s a graduate of OCOM with an MSOM and an NCCAOM board certified Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbologist. She completed her undergraduate degree from Ivy League school, University of Pennsylvania, majoring in Fine Arts and Urban Studies with an Anthropology minor.… Read the rest!

Herbal Compresses

Ruby with Metta Holistic Health

My name is Ruby Ellison with Metta Holistic health and I practice Traditional Thai Medicine.

There are many wonderful modalities within Thai medicine but perhaps one of my favorites are the Thai Herbal Compresses.

Herbal Compress

These compresses are handmade and full of wonderful aromatic Thai herbs such as lemongrass and turmeric that help to heal, relax, and release.… Read the rest!

Tips for Self Massage

Self Massage Tools

When you don’t have time for a massage appointment, here are some tips you can do at home!

Self massage are techniques that you can do yourself to get rid of muscle tightness and tension throughout your body.

These techniques can be performed with your fingers, hands, and elbows. Others techniques may require simple items such as a ball (massage, golf, lacrosse, or tennis), or a foam roller.… Read the rest!

Acupuncture for Diabetes

Diabetes Complications 1
According to the CDC, 34.2 million people have diabetes (10.5% of the US population).

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy. Most of the food you eat is broken down into sugar (glucose) and released into your bloodstream. When your blood sugar goes up, it tells your pancreas to release insulin.… Read the rest!