Six Great Immune Boosting Tips For Fall


Colder weather and more time indoors is upon us and here to stay until late Spring. Keeping your immune system strong is the key to preventing sickness and resolving it quicker during the Fall and Winter months. In Chinese Medicine, we have lots of tools to help boost the immune system and prevent sickness. Below are 6 tips on keeping yourself healthy during the start of flu season.

1. Sleep

Getting plenty of sleep allows the body to rest, repair, and perform all its functions optimally. Not enough sleep has been shown to lower the body’s immune system. Research shows 7-8 hours of sleep per night can help lower inflammation in the body which in turn strengthens the immune system.

2. Wear a scarf

The weather is getting colder which makes it easier for wind and cold to invade the body and cause sickness if we are not bundled up properly. DU14 is an acupuncture point located under C7 on the back of the neck. By keeping this area warm and protected, it prevents invasion of cold and wind through that point and strengthens the defensive Qi (immune system).

3. Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough fluids helps to flush out any pathogens that may enter the body. Make sure to drink room temperature or warm beverages and aim for half your body weight in ounces per day.

4. Avoid dairy, sweets, and raw cold foods

In Chinese Medicine, dairy and sweets cause phlegm and dampness in the body. Also, raw foods are very cold in nature and bring cold into the body. Both of these things make the Spleen work harder. In the colder months it is important to nourish the body with steamed, cooked, and warm foods. Incorporate more soups, stews, and warm beverages along with vegetables that are in season and grow during the Fall and Winter.

5. Vitamin

Getting enough Vitamin D helps activate the immune system.  In the colder months, we tend to be more deficient in Vitamin D due to less sunlight and less time outdoors. To counteract the limited sun exposure, try to go for a short walk at least once a day during your lunch break. 

6. Clean hands

Washing hands is so important in the prevention of illnesses. We are constantly exposed to germs in public spaces. Make sure to wash your hands before touching your face and before eating.

Lastly, acupuncture and herbal formulas are amazing at preventing and treating the common cold. Make sure to schedule regular acupuncture treatments during flu season and come in when you feel even the slightest onset of symptoms!