Category Archives: Acupuncture

Acupuncture for Diabetes

Diabetes Complications 1
According to the CDC, 34.2 million people have diabetes (10.5% of the US population).

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy. Most of the food you eat is broken down into sugar (glucose) and released into your bloodstream. When your blood sugar goes up, it tells your pancreas to release insulin.… Read the rest!

Rise and Shine, It’s Springtime

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Spring is here!

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Spring signifies new beginnings, new birth, and open and fluid energy. Some characteristics of Spring include:

Nature: Yang

Element: Wood

Organ: Liver/Gallbladder

Climate: Wind

Taste: Sour

Color: Green

Emotion: Anger

Spring from a Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

Element: Wood

Wood represents rising and growing yang.… Read the rest!

Tech Neck and Working From Home

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It’s been almost a year for many people who transitioned to Working From Home. 

Due to this, there has been an increase in TECH NECK. It looks like the following: someone who is sitting at a desk, hunched up in front of a computer screen, rounded back, neck jutting forward, typing away on a keyboard with no wrist support, and occasionally dropping their head forward to text quickly on their cell phone.… Read the rest!

You Set My Heart on Fire!

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The Heart in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is known as the ‘Emperor’ of all the internal organs. Its main function is to govern the blood and it is associated with the mind. However, it has many other characteristics and responsibilities that make it a unique organ according to TCM. 

Governing the Blood

By governing the blood, the Heart helps circulate it throughout the body, just like in Western Medicine.… Read the rest!