5 Tips for a Healthy Flow

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Bloating, cravings, headaches, fatigue, irritability, and heightened emotions. These are just some of the signs and symptoms of what many of us know as PMS, or Premenstrual Syndrome. All of these can be very common the week before and during menses. However in Chinese Medicine, they are not considered “normal” and can be avoided.

Here are 5 tips that can help to decrease some of these PMS symptoms. Do these ESPECIALLY the week before menses to help ease the flow and decrease any pain and discomfort during bleeding.

1. Drink plenty of water

—It is so important to stay hydrated especially leading up to and during your period. It is recommended to drink half your bodyweight in ounces per day. That may seem like a lot of liquid, but by starting off small and slowly adding more water into your diet daily you can gradually get to the right amount. Make sure to drink room temperature or warm water and avoid cold or iced drinks. Cold constricts the flow of Qi and Blood which is the opposite of what we want to happen the week before menses. Room temperature or warm liquids help the Qi and Blood to flow smoothly and downward.

2. Eat warm foods

—The same goes for food. It is much more work for the body to digest cold foods which cause extra taxation during a time when the body needs its energy for menses. Try incorporating more cooked and steamed veggies and leafy greens, root veggies, beans, ginger and raspberry tea, turmeric, and essential fatty acids. Eating and drinking warm things will help keep the inside of the body cozy and warm which will facilitate a smooth flow.

3. Avoid dairy, alcohol, gluten, and refined sugar (AKA all the good stuff!)

—Unfortunately these are all inflammatory foods and exacerbate many PMS symptoms and pain during menses. Conventional dairy have added hormones that can disrupt the endocrine system causing hormonal imbalances. Try cutting down or completely eliminating these types of foods in general, but especially the week prior to your menses.

4. Keep your feet warm

—The 3 main organ channels associated with the menstrual cycle and fertility originate in the feet (Liver, Spleen, and Kidney). They run from the feet up the inner ankle, inner leg, and through the reproductive system. Keeping the feet and these channels warm will help promote that smooth flow of Qi and Blood for menstruation. Avoid walking barefoot on cold floors. Instead wear socks/slippers whenever possible and give your feet a nice rub at the end of the day.

5. Exercise!

—Getting movement before menses is vital in combating PMS and fatigue. It helps to keep the Qi and Blood flowing through all the channels properly. The Liver channel governs the smooth flow of Qi and tends to stagnate before menses which causes irritability and anger. Stretching, walking, dancing, yoga, light cardio, etc. will help keep everything flowing freely!

Incorporating these 5 tips the week before menses can make a big difference for a healthy menstrual cycle. By starting small and adding them in slowly, these tasks will not seem as overwhelming. Every body is different so it is important to experiment and see what works best for you individually.