There are many advantages to receiving a Massage! The benefits of massage therapy include relief of muscle tension, stress reduction, anxiety and depression relief, promotion of better sleep and emotional health. After a massage session, you should feel an overall relaxation throughout your entire body.
Swedish Massage
The most common style of massage is Swedish. It encompasses long, gliding, and kneading strokes with a light to medium pressure depending on the client’s preference. Swedish massage also incorporates gentle stretching and movement of the joints within the massage session.
One of my favorite relaxation enhancements is Hot Stone. Hot Stone massage strokes follow the same techniques of Swedish Massage with the use of heated basalt stones. The hot stones help relax your muscles leading to a deeper relaxation. In addition to being relaxing, hot stones can help clients suffering from fibromyalgia, arthritis, and chronic pain. Heated stones help relieve muscle tension and pain, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote better sleep.
Another enhancement that I recommended for relaxation is CBD. I use a Lavender CBD massage oil from Inesscents, a company located in Ashland, Oregon. They rely on sustainably sourced, certified organic, wild-harvested, and fair-trade raw materials. This topical CBD oil enhances the relaxation benefits of massage. It contains a blend of Lavender, Bergamot, and Arnica with less than 3% THC. CBD can help reduce pain and anxiety levels. I also rave about their CBD bath salts.
The next time you’re looking for a way to relax, consider getting a massage!
-Melissa Ballew LMT # 23113