All You Need to Know About How Our Clinic Handles COVID-19

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Who’s ready for 2020 to take a break? Dealing with a pandemic is unpredictable. With new information always flooding in, our clinic is constantly adapting and finding more efficient ways to keep our patients, staff, and community safe! 

In light of the recent rise in cases, here are our updated clinic protocols along with tips on how to stay healthy as the weather changes and flu season picks up. Our protocols are based on guidelines provided by the CDC and OHA.

For Patients coming in:

All patients are pre-screened 1-2 days before their appointment. During the screening patients are asked if they’ve had have had contact with someone confirmed or expected to have COVID-19. Also, if you are living with someone who has had contact with someone confirmed or suspected to have COVID-19, then we also ask that you postpone your appointment. For example, if a partner, child, or roommate was around someone with COVID-19.

Patients are also asked if they’ve had any symptoms.

Symptoms related to COVID-19 (unless caused by chronic illness or pre-existing conditions) include:

  • Nausea 
  • Cough
  • Shortness of Breath 
  • Fever or feel feverish
  • Chills or repeated shaking with chills
  • Fatigue
  • Sore throat
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Nasal congestion
  • Muscles aches that are not caused by a specific activity such as exercise
  • Diarrhea

If you have any of these symptoms, or if you’ve had any potential exposure, please postpone your appointment and contact us with specific questions. 


Then, upon arrival, patients are asked to call us from their car. This is to minimize interaction between patients as they enter and leave the clinic. They are also screened a second time, asked to wash their hands for 20 seconds, and their temperature is taken with a no touch thermometer. 

During Treatment:

We have air filters in each treatment room as well as a HEPA filter in our HVAC system. These filters remain on throughout the duration of treatment.

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In addition to filters in each room, our building has the Reme Halo installed to filter out bacteria and pollutants.

Patients are also asked to keep their mask on, covering their nose and mouth throughout treatment. Even if the practitioner is not in the room, we ask that you keep your mask on unless receiving treatment face down. 

Also, practitioners keep at least 6 feet of distance from the patients head until it is time to needle and administer treatment. 

In Between Patients:

In between patients, we are CLEANING. First we turn on the UV function on our air filters to kill any viruses or bacteria in the air. Then, all surfaces are wiped with a bleach solution and the room is left to sit for 15 minutes before it is made ready for the next patient. 

For Staff:

Upon arriving at the clinic, we wash our hands, put on face masks, and take our temperatures! Not only do we pre-screen patients, but we also monitor ourselves closely and check for the symptoms listed above. We are required to wear face masks at all times, and practitioners also wear face shields when treating patients.

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The daily get up! Face masks and eye protection. Now practitioners must also wear face shields!

Tips on How to Stay Healthy:

  1. Wear a mask! Not only does this help protect you, but it will protect others as well. 
  2. Wash your hands! For at least 20 seconds with warm soapy water. Do this before touching your face, eating and drinking, or rubbing your eyes. 
  3. Keep at least 6 feet of distance. When you’re out shopping or even meeting with friends, taking these extra precautions will help keep you and those you love healthy.
  4. Read our previous blog on Immune Boosting tips! Making sure your body is strong and ready to fight off any viral invaders is a great way to stay healthy.

We are Open!

We are permitted to be open during the 2-week freeze for both acupuncture and massage. If you are in a high risk category or do not feel comfortable coming in, we understand if you would like to postpone your treatments and will not charge late cancellation fees.  Following the travel advisories, we are now asking patients to wait 14 days if they have traveled outside the state of Oregon. Please feel free to contact us with any questions!

For further information on the two-week statewide freeze:
