Did you know that Acupuncture is an effective form of treatment for back pain? In fact, Acupuncture is recommended by the Clinical Practice Guideline From the American College of Physicians for the treatment of acute or subacute low back pain.
Many people experience back pain. It can hinder our quality of life and make activities, sitting, or walking difficult. It’s even reported that 80% of adults experience low back pain at some point in their lifetimes.
At Whitney Green Acupuncture, roughly 32% of patients come to the clinic with acute low back pain. In order to advance my skills in musculoskeletal pain and successfully treat this common ailment, I started taking classes from Whitfield Reaves in 2013 that focused on Sports Acupuncture. After completing his apprenticeship program, the way I practice changed. It helped improve my effectiveness in treating musculoskeletal pain and also back pain.
Whitfield Reaves’ teaches a technique for the treatment of low back pain. This involves “The Triad,” or three common regions that impact low back pain. It includes the quadratus lumborum, gluteus medius, and sacroiliac joint. In cases where patients have an acute flare-up of low back pain, I will typically recommend 2 treatments per week for the first few weeks. After that, as pain and symptoms reduce, we will reduce their treatment plan.

The next time you’re having back pain, ask your doctor and acupuncturist about treatment options! Also, for some quick stretches to do at home, take a look at Dr Alvin’s video for low back pain.