Babies on the Way!

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Whether you’re just thinking about pregnancy, trying to conceive, or actively preparing to welcome your new family member, incorporating Chinese medicine and intentionally thinking about diet and lifestyle can help the process go more smoothly! 


Acupuncture is one of the best ways to help support you before, during, and after pregnancy. 

Before pregnancy: Acupuncture and herbs can be used to help regulate your period and build fertility to support conception! 

During pregnancy (months 1-6): Acupuncture would be used to mainly help keep you comfortable throughout your pregnancy. This means supporting you through any morning sickness, acid reflux, digestive issues, and pain! 

End (months 6-10): Towards the end of your pregnancy, acupuncture and moxibustion can be used to help get your mind and body ready to push! We can also address breech positions with moxibustion. 

Moxa on certain acupuncture points can help a baby move out of breech position.


If you’ve ever used herbs before, you know they can be incredibly powerful! Chinese medicine recommends herbs to help regulate the menstrual cycle and warm the uterus to help with conception. In this way, herbs can help support fertility and regularity.

However, once you have become pregnant, we recommend putting a stop to your formula unless advised by your acupuncturist or licensed herbalist! You can then have a discussion for when it would be safest for you and the baby to start taking herbal formulas again. 


Growing a baby is a lot of work for your body! Making sure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs before and during pregnancy is incredibly important. 

In Chinese medicine, we recommend foods that build the Spleen and Stomach Qi and foods that build blood to help nurture your body and give you energy as your baby grows. Try to avoid raw and cold foods like salad, fruit and fruit juice, and an excess of dairy. Instead, try to steam or boil your food.

Foods we recommend incorporating into your diet include:

  • Dates
  • Raisins
  • Fennel
  • Carrot
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Millet
  • Rice
  • Freshly grated ginger
  • Beef
  • Bone broth
  • Dark leafy greens

If you’re hoping to conceive, check out our blog on maximizing fertility by eating according to your cycle here!

Vitamins and Minerals

Your baby will need a healthy amount of folate for proper development of their Central Nervous System. Folate promotes healthy brain and spinal cord development and can help prevent neural tube defects. Iron is another vital nutrient, and the recommended daily dose of Iron doubles during pregnancy! It helps with the growth of the baby by supplying the fetus and placenta and it helps mom by preventing anemia. Other important vitamins and minerals include B12, B6, B2, vitamin C, calcium and much more!

In our clinic, we typically recommend Thorne Prenatal Vitamin as it contains many of the vitamins and minerals a baby and mom need. 

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We always recommend checking with your primary care provider before adding new supplements to your diet so that they can monitor the amount and dosage!


While pregnant, it’s important to cultivate an environment and lifestyle that encourages peace and tranquility for you and the fetus. We recommend meditation and quality sleep to help promote calm emotions. Avoid excessively hot or cold environments to prevent sickness from reaching your and your baby. Also, engage in calm exercise by going for a walk to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. Other exercises include Qigong, Tai ji, and prenatal yoga!

We’d love to work with you on your pregnancy journey. Schedule here for a new patient consultation or appointment today!