
pexels karolina grabowska 4506109
pexels karolina grabowska 4506109


Our mission is to provide chiropractic services with integrity, honesty, and professionalism to help you reach your pinnacle of spinal health. We focus not only on your symptoms but on underlying causes that contribute to your injuries and health concerns. This holistic approach results in personalized, comprehensive, and integrative care plans.


Chiropractic Services

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Pain Management

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?  Do you go through topical ointment and remedies for your aching lower back, upper back and neck?  PCW offers a wide range of treatment modalities to get to the root cause of your pain.

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Auto and Work Accident Recovery

Significant forces impact your body when you are involved in an automobile collision.  Getting back to pre-injury performance needs evidence-based, comprehensive and personalized treatment plans to reduce your pain, improve healing time, and restore joint function.

Doctor stretching a young man back in medical office
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Sports Medicine

A sports-specific focus helps not only injury recovery, but also improving general performance and recovery times.  We accomplish this by assessing a variety of factors that contribute to athletic performance: balance, coordination, power, speed, flexibility, and mobility.

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Injury Prevention

Wellness is preventing injuries, not just reacting to them.  Whether you are an amateur athlete, a weekend warrior, or a retiree playing golf or tennis, regular adjustments help prevent those injuries from coming back.

How We Work

Diversified Technique

Hands-on approach using evidence-based knowledge to improve function and increase range of motion.

Extremity Adjustment

Chiropractic adjustments of the extremities such as ribs, temporomandibular joint (TMJ), shoulders, wrists, ankles, knees to improve joint function and mobility.

Low Force Adjustment

Utilizing an instrument called Activator to deliver low-force therapy on the desired joint.

Therapeutic Exercise

Personalized therapeutic exercises to help you return to pre-injury performance.


Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Therapy is utilized to improve function of muscles, ligament, tendons as well as fascia.

Drop Table

Drop parts of the chiropractic table to increase patient comfort while adjusting joints.

SOT/Pelvic Block

Pelvic blocks helps “reset” the sacro-iliac (pelvis) joint.

Kinesiology Taping

Application of Rock TapeTM or kinesiology tape to improve mobility without sacrificing the stability of the joint that is being treated.