We Can Help You

Specializing in musculoskeletal pain, injury recovery, and women’s health, and chiropractic services we offer a variety of therapeutics that we use in combination with acupuncture including Chinese herbs, Shiatsu & Tuina massage, nutrition coaching, and qigong teachings to help you reach your health goals.

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How We Can Help

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Depending on the individual patient, specific acupuncture points are used to promote blood circulation, balance the body, and promote natural healing. Chinese Herbal Formulas are combined with acupuncture treatments to strengthen your treatment plan.

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We focus not only on your symptoms but on underlying causes that contribute to your injuries and health concerns.

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Our specialties include Hot Stone, Oncology, Prenatal Massage, and Trauma-Informed care. We strive to help clients achieve their health goals through Massage therapy while focusing on overall relaxation.

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Cosmetic Acupuncture & Microneedling

With Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture, there are facial, neck, and abdominal protocols, which is a healthy safe method to improve skin tone while improving your overall health

Welcome to

Pinnacle Wellness Center

It is our dream to create a comfortable space that allows patients to focus on healing. Our clinic has Portland Monthly rated top providers that are passionate about helping you improve and reach your health goals.

We work collaboratively with practitioners in our office and other providers in our community to provide a whole system approach. We look forward to serving you!

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